UNIV0251 Advanced Pedagogy for Graduate Lecturers

UNIV 0251 is an online course offering a deeper dive into aspects of course design and delivery for newly appointed Graduate Student Lecturer's (GSLs) or students intending to serve as a GSL in an upcoming semester. This course is highly recommended for incoming GSLs but not required.


It is designed to help GSLs feel prepared to be responsible for the complete implementation of a course. This course is asynchronous and completed via GW Blackboard throughout the semester. Ideally, it is best completed prior to the student serving as a GSL, but it may also be taken during the student’s first semester as a GSL. The course is currently an elective. Like UNIV0250 Foundational Pedagogy for Graduate Assistants, it is a credit/no-credit course that is not counted towards a student’s degree or GPA and is free of charge.


Course Overview

Newly appointed GSLs, or students intending to serve as a GSL in an upcoming semester, may elect to take the one-credit, credit/no-credit Advanced Pedagogy for Graduate Lecturers (UNIV 0251) course. This course builds on UNIV 0250, Foundational Pedagogy for Graduate Assistants, taking a closer look at aspects of course design and delivery that GIAs and GTAs do not often have responsibility for, such as crafting assignments and advanced classroom facilitation.


The course modules are designed to mimic the backward course design process that UNIV 0251 recommends:

  • Designing assignments that foster learning
  • Planning class activities
  • Collaborative learning
  • Examining rubrics & grading
  • Inclusive teaching
  • Next steps in your teaching journey


The course is especially valuable for doctoral candidates who are planning to pursue a career in academia, since it supports students in course design and implementation. Work in the course may be useful in developing a teaching portfolio for job applications.