Horowitz Foundation For Social Policy Research Grant

Deadline: December 1, 2024
Sun, 1 December, 2024 ALL DAY

The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy was established in 1997 by Irving Louis Horowitz and Mary E. Curtis Horowitz as a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization. Its general purpose is to support the advancement of research and understanding in major fields of the social sciences. Its specific purpose is to provide funding to aspiring PhDs in support of research that is innovative and addresses urgent social policy issues.

The Horowitz Foundation makes approximately twenty-five grants each year. Research grants are open to researchers in all social science disciplines and are not restricted to US citizens or those enrolled in US institutions. Awards are for $10,000; proposals in certain targeted areas receive additional amounts. In addition, the Irving Louis Horowitz Award ($5,000) is given to the overall most outstanding project proposal, and the Trustee’s Award ($3,000) is given to the proposal that is deemed most innovative in theory and/or methodology.

Awards are granted for policy-related research in all major areas of the social sciences.


  • Applicants must be current PhD (or DrPH) candidates who are working on their dissertation;
  • ​​Applicants must not have a PhD; those who do, are ineligible;
  • ​Applicants must have defended their dissertation proposal or had their topic approved by their department;
  • ​Applicants can be from any country and any university in the world. US citizenship or residency is not required.

Additional information, including a list of previous recipients, is available on the Horowitz Foundation website

Open to students.

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