Graduate Assistant Certification Course (UNIV 0250. DE)

During the semester, newly appointed GAs will be required to complete and pass the one-credit Graduate Assistant Certification Course. The Office of Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships will register GAs for this online course. The course is available at no cost to students and does not count towards their degree or GPA. Please note that the Graduate Assistant Certification Course (UNIV 0250) is separate from the GTAP orientation.

The GA Certification course is designed to be an introduction to the complex process of teaching and learning in undergraduate and graduate education settings as well as an overview of relevant university policies. The coursework will focus on: (1) philosophical and research foundations of higher education, and (2) practical suggestions and examples of skills relevant for GAs. In addition, the course will provide valuable resources for you to consult throughout your teaching career. Some of the topics that will be covered in the course are:

  • Cultivating a Safe Learning Environment
  • Fostering Learning Community
  • Applying Effective Teaching Strategies
  • Providing Meaningful Feedback to Learners
  • Reflecting on your Current and Future Roles and Responsibilities

Even if you do not have plans to embark on a teaching career, these fundamentals can be applied to other careers and professions!